
Scheduling on airflow seems to have inherited a lot from crons and the timing syntax is no exception. The basic syntax looks like this:

* * * * *

This * acts like a place holder for the specific time periods. From left to right, they each represent the following:

  1. min (0-59)
  2. hour (0-23)
  3. day of month (1-31)
  4. month (1-12, Jan - Dec)
  5. day of week ( 0-6, Sun - Sat)

Note that the Astericks * means any or always


  • * 05 * * * This means the job should trigger at 5:00 am every day.

  • 15 13 * * * This means the job should trigger at 01:15 pm every day.

  • 5 0 * * 0 This means the job should trigger at 00:05 am every sunday.

  • * * 1 1 * This means the job should trigger on the every first day of January.



This is used to specific different values on a single time period. For instance, 1,2,3 * * * * This job would run at 1,2,3 minutes all the time.


This represents the range of values. For instance, * * * * 1-5 This job would run every weekday ie Monday to Friday

Forward Slash(/)

This represents step values or interval values. For instance, */5 * * * * This job would run after every 5 mins